TLD Supplies

Explore efficient solutions at PROXDOSE™ for Panasonic® users. Our range includes readers, dosimeters, and hangers, ensuring cost-effective operations for dosimetry labs.

Essential Supplies and Accessories

Explore Indispensable Solutions

Our hanger solutions seamlessly interchange with both Panasonic and In Light platforms.

ProXdos, exclusively crafted by PROXDOSE, represent innovative products.

PROXDOSE™ takes pride in presenting the PROXDOS 550 Hanger series, a versatile replacement for Panasonic UD-874/875, ISA, and In Light Hangers, showcasing our dedication to quality and innovation.

Panasonic 874/875 hanger

Panasonic® Thermoluminescent Dosimeters

Panasonic New & Reburnished TLD's(Guaranteed To Pass ECF)

Product Number Name Description
UD-875 Panasonic UD-875/ ISA-831 equalant Hanger TLD Hanger
UD-800 AQ Calibration Dosimeter Panasonic 800 Dosimeter
UD-802AQ Whole Body Dosimeter Panasonic 802 Dosimeter
UD-802AT Whole Body Dosimeter Panasonic Factory New 802 dosimeter
UD-807 ASN Extremity TLD with adaptor with ID No. Extremity single element dosimeter
UD-807AS Extremity dosimeter with out adaptor Extremity single element dosimeter
UD-807HA2 Adaptor without Dosimeter No dosimeter only holder
UD-809 Panasonic Neutron Dosimeter Intend to be used with UD-808
UD-812 Special Environmental TLDS Not a Standard dosimeter only for special design
UD-813 AS6 Panasonic Neutron Dosimeter Slide only (Available for Special)
UD-814 AS4 Panasonic Environmental TLD Slide only (Available for Special)
UD-814 AS1 Panasonic Environmental TLD Slide only (Available for Special)
UD-815 Calibration Dosimeter Personnel & environment
UD-740 TLD Racks Trays (Useable for all type of Panasonic Dosimeters)

Proxdose List of Equipment and Accessories

Proxdose Equipment and Accessories Inventory

PPROXDOSE™ (PD-700) Single-Use TLD Hanger Opaque
PROXDOSE™ WD-1 Welding Device Hanger Sealer for PROXDOSE (PD-700)
PPROXDOSE™ OD-1 Opening Device Hanger Opener PROXDOSE (PD-700)
PROXDOSE™ (PD-300) Series PROX Ring Hangers Extremity Ring (Large, Medium and Small)
PROXDOSE™ (PD-500) w/Mylar Hanger with Mylar over Window for use with UD-802
PROXDOSE™ (PD-500) without Mylar Hanger without Mylar for use with UD-802
PROXDOSE™ Label (PDL-300) Label for extremity ring (807)
PROXDOSE™ Label (PDL-500) Label for PD-500 whole body TLD (802)
PROXDOSE™ Label (PDL-700) Label for PD-700 whole body TLD (802)
PROXDOSE™ Label (PDL-100S) silver PROXDOSE Barcode label

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